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Case study. Digital recruitment: filtering candidates with aptitude tests.


How to optimise a digital recruitment process, using aptitude tests for candidate screening.


Our client is an HR consultancy firm that runs young professional programmes in Argentina. It provides end-to-end services to major companies in Argentina in their high potential recruitment process. Until the implementation of our tests, they used to filter candidates in a traditional way, selecting the CVs that were the best fit with the recruitment process, then a telephone contact, and a subsequent appointment for an individual interview.

The opportunity

To filter candidates in a shorter period of time than a traditional recruitment process.

To be more assertive in the candidates that would be called to the individual interview and to be able to provide market analytics from which to know how many people should be evaluated, depending on the vacancies needed.

The solution

At the beginning of the attraction funnel, we implemented a pre-work where potential candidates could be evaluated by means of our aptitude tests.

People Experts offer

Pre-work online, aptitude tests for graduates and postgraduates (Verbal Reasoning: VIPS and Numerical Reasoning: NIPS).


40% growth in the assertiveness of profiles participating in the Individual Interview phase, which considerably improves interview times and the successful completion of the following stages of the process until the selected candidates are found.

Next steps

  • Maintain the pre-work process for new clients of the HR consultancy firm.

  • Introduction of improvements to optimise the process.

  • Incorporation of attitudinal tests in the final stages of the process.

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