A work motivation questionnaire
allows to know the different motivations
that drive to work with more
satisfaction, interest, effort and success. Is a
key concept for successful management and
in job performance.
In evaluation processes, people's professional future is at stake. For this reason, it is necessary to have the maximum information to objectify the decisions to attract and manage talent.
People Experts, as a Digital Talent Consultant, makes the TEST STATION platform available to clients, with psychometrically validated techniques in order to have solid complementary information to make correct decisions

Designed to evaluate the energies that contribute to the performance of tasks and situations that enhance or decrease motivations in the work situation. It evaluates 18 scales that are grouped into three basic types of motivation:
Basic Motivations
Emotional Reinforcements
Dynamism and Ambitions
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of items: 48 blocks of 3 sentences.
Automatic correction online.
Multi language.
Application in selection, evaluation, development and coaching.